A spotlight on the women of TwoScots

A spotlight on the women of TwoScots

It can be hard to stand out in the maelstrom of conversation about workplace diversity and specifically women in the workplace. So instead, we’d like to spotlight some of the amazing women who work within TwoScots to find out what being a professional woman means to them.

We’re proud to have a team of such determined and ambitious people and our women both head that up and inspire the rest of the team to work harder and achieve more.



Juliette Lewis, Manager – Accounting and Finance

Growing up with eight sisters definitely gave me the confidence to go into an industry that’s more traditionally male. More than that, it instilled in me the conviction to travel, live in three countries and climb the ranks to Manager in just my twenties.

Working in an organisation like TwoScots where I’m still surrounded by confident and intelligent women continues to motivate me everyday and I’m determined to pass that on to the next generation of women too.



Sarah Armstrong, Principal Consultant – Accounting and Finance

I’m an ardent feminist who’s not nervous about challenging the status quo or inequalities that anyone in my life might face. That’s part of the reason I’ll give anything a go, case in point my latest foray in DJ-ing which has become a fast passion.

That determination to succeed is also what made me make the move to TwoScots specifically in a market that’s shouting for recruiters. I love the fact that it’s a business full of smart women who make no apologies for their success, celebrate it together and commit to lifting each other up.



Annabel Mitchell-Heggs, Senior Principal Consultant – Payroll

I’ve always had amazing friendships with women, especially in the workplace. My ethos has been to go in with positive energy and lift up those around me so that we can all achieve together. That’s why I feel so lucky to be working in an era when women’s power is starting to be championed and structural barriers are starting to be broken down – although there’s still a big way to go!

So what’s next? Working together with the women at TwoScots to place exceptional female talent in the best businesses in Australia.



Jaz Peoples, Principal Consultant – Accounting Support

From running pubs, singing live in venues through to recruiting finance professionals and now raising two boys, being a woman has never stopped me taking on a challenge head on. If anything, I’d say it’s given me the perspective to excel.

Now as I continue to climb in my career it’s important that I’m within a business who will support my growth and learning for the skills that I have and value I add. I’m also excited for my boys to see their mother having a successful career and being an independent person who achieves great things.


Olivia Bolmat, Administration Officer

Before my time at TwoScots, I was lucky enough to have worked for two amazing female-dominated companies (surprisingly there aren’t too many men desperate to be a part of the indoor gardening or cosmetic manufacturing industry!)

For this reason, I’m so glad that taking on my first office job has also meant getting to spend time with such vibrant and ambitious women. I’ve always found the sense of support and solidarity that comes with working alongside other women to be completely unmatched in the way it encourages us to push boundaries and be proud of our achievements.



Aisling Flynn, Principal Consultant – Accounting Support

Throughout my career I’ve been lucky enough to work in businesses with female CEOs like Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo and within the HR industry which is generally led by women’s voices. I’m so happy that I’ve learned from and been inspired by these strong women at every stage in my career.

That inspiration has allowed me to dream big about my career goals – especially within a business like TwoScots where the sky is my limit.


Krystle Egginton, Manager – Business Support

Growing up, my sisters, mother and myself always followed the influence of my amazing nanna. She’s a fierce Italian who has survived war, a refugee camp and move to Australia in the ‘50s. Not only that but half her family went to America unknowing if they’d ever meet again. She taught me about resilience, working hard and reaping the benefits through the passion she still has to this day.

Women at work have also instilled that message of hard work into me too. I’ve been pushed to be my best in TwoScots in particular where the women show me I can achieve anything I put my mind to.



Bree Abbott, Director

At 22 years old, straight out of uni, I joined a business run by two men. Eight years later they made me their business partner. I feel so incredibly grateful to have spent my adult working life alongside two great men, who have always recognised hard work.

We now run a business dominated by brilliant, intelligent, hard working women who are full of personality. I could not be prouder! I can honestly say my career has never been held back at TwoScots because I’m a woman.



We’re still hiring multiple positions across our business, if you’d like to join a team who will champion you no matter who you are get in touch with Jeremy at [email protected].