The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a Government funded scheme who works to provide the correct funding for services for those with a disability. Within the next five years, the National Disability Insurance Scheme will provide $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians aged under 65, who have permanent and significant disability. Much of this is for core supports such as Allied health care, physical and mental, support staff and other necessities for participants. However, the funding stretched beyond the core and works to support social and employment aspects of people’s lives.
TwoScots specialises in recruitment within this scheme, primarily for people looking to work as or employ Support Coordinators and Plan Managers.
This government scheme is relatively new as is the division within our business so we’re looking to chat to people working within agencies who receive NDIS funding as well as those looking to work within this scheme.
In a nutshell: You'll know when you've hit on a subject I'm passionate about; my whole demeanor lights up and I can talk forever. TwoScots fits that category perfectly. Born from a desire to break the stigma of recruitment and offer a service which was a wee bit different, it's surpassed my expectations and I'm proud to have created a business that feels more like an extended family.
Ambitions: To continue to grow and share the TwoScots brand with my team and really influence the recruitment industry.
Get in touch with me today at [email protected] or 04 167 53544
In a nutshell: Travel has both been my passion and my path into my career. From working as a Travel Consultant through to being asked to join the travel recruitment consultancy interviewing me through to 10+ years in recruitment, it's carved me a clear path as well as amazing memories across the world!
Ambitions: To continue to build relationships in the best organisations throughout Melbourne as well as supporting my team through individual and collective successes.
Get in touch with me today at [email protected]
In a nutshell: As a Bayside girl I don’t think there’s a more perfect day than walking down for a morning by the ocean before sitting down to share a meal and wine with friends. My love for people and guiding them to be the best they can be definitely influenced my step into recruitment as well as the competitive nature, daily challenges and constant variety of the industry.
Ambitions: To be able to mentor and nurture employees - I think I’d make a great manager one day!
Get in touch with me today at [email protected]
In a nutshell: Arriving in Australia on Christmas Day in 2019, tired but full of adrenaline, I had no idea what was to come! I did know that I had a ready built community of friends who made it feel like home pretty quickly and managed to step into a career I'd been interested in since finishing my HR Management degree. Again, joining TwoScots felt like the right decision after friends in the business told me about the culture, progression and opportunities on offer.
Ambitions: To bed myself further into my team whilst learning more and more management skills - with a quick stopover in Bali now the borders are open!
Get in touch with me today at [email protected]