Recruiting, Melbourne Style: A Year in Review (So Far)

Recruiting, Melbourne Style: A Year in Review (So Far)

Well, we can’t believe it’s almost May, how time flies! So we really wanted to give you a wee update on how 2024 has gone so far for TwoScots.

Introducing Some New Faces to the Team!

Say hello to our newest faces: Emma Macciotta, who is new to our Payroll division; Cara Finnerty, who has joined our Qualified Accounting division; Katie Gray, who has joined Accounting Support; and Ramona Hart, who has joined the Marketing team. We can’t wait to see what the near and far future holds for our new recruits!

Charity and Good Vibes:

In case you didn’t already think we were awesome, we’ve teamed up with the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) to raise some serious cash for a cause close to our hearts. Our target for the end of 2024 is $20,026; that’s $1000 for every fabulous female that works at TwoScots. That’s right, we’re not just experts in recruitment; we also love to give a wee bit back. 

You are now also reading the blog of one of the top 100 recruitment companies to work for in Australia! We are so excited to announce that we have been named by Culture 100 and watch this space, we will be rolling the lights, cameras and action to showcase our award in the next coming month.

We’re also thrilled to announce that our amazing Yasmine Shrebati, who has recently been promoted to Business Manager and moved over to our Senior Qualified Accounting division, has been nominated and is in the final round for an RCSA award in the ‘Rising Star’ category. The winners will be announced on the 9th of May, so we will be grabbing our tuxedos and ballgowns and supporting Yasmine at Crown Casino for the RSCA Awards. 

New Clients, New Candidates:

As if all that wasn’t enough, we’ve welcomed some stellar new clients into the TwoScots gang and placed some seriously amazing candidates in dream roles. But don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about our OG clients – we’re still keeping those connections strong like a Melbourne coffee.

Work Hard, Play Hard:

Celebrating a great quarter, our team is heading out for dinner and to an AFL match next week. Additionally, we will be heading to The Summit for some muddy fun and team-building in June. We strongly believe in both amazing team work and celebrating our wins with the whole team, not just individuals, and we’re sure that the celebrations will continue this year.

We can’t wait to see what the next quarter holds for us. If you want to be part of our journey, get in touch today at [email protected] 

The TwoScots Crew